Thursday, January 31, 2013


Have you seen Paperman, Disney's latest short film? It was just released in full on Youtube yesterday and it's the sweetest thing I've seen all week. Take a look:



  1. I have to say, as an aerospace engineer, I found it uniquely charming to yell toward the screen the obvious directive: "MAKE A PAPER AIRPLANE!" Lucky for him they were magical, because his airframe really ought to have gone through more rigorous and extensive drag-reduction test and analysis phases...

    1. hahaha unfortunately the version where he performed all the necessary tests and trials and gets so involved he becomes consumed with his desire to create the perfect paper airplane, thus missing his chance entirely to get the girl, would need to be a feature-length film and Scorsese was just not available to direct.

      But yeah, thank goodness for magic! ;)

  2. exactly how I hoped it would go :)

    1. Disney knows just how to tug at the heartstrings!


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