Photo challenges are a popular theme in the blog world. The idea is to improve your photography by taking a picture a day (for anywhere from 30 days to a year) of a series of predetermined subjects or ideas. I'm a big fan of the picture-making but never before have been tempted to do one of these challenges, until now (...she said, dramatically).
I found this particular challenge via Pinterest and became interested because the various "assignments" are less about vague ideas and more about a matter-of-fact portrayal of your everyday life, over 30 days.
Rather than share the whole list upfront, it will be a day-by-day reveal. Disclaimer: the photos won't all be interesting. They probably won't even be high-quality. (Let's not lie, I'll probably lose motivation in a week and start using my cell phone camera.)
Anyway, begin.
See? Not the greatest. It may surprise you to learn that my torso is not this awkwardly short in real life. This is a "lean over and get yourself in the frame of the mirror propped up against the wall" shot. Even the outfit choice is clearly the result of careful planning. Whatever. I'm done explaining myself. Sheesh, critics...
we can't see yo cute face! I demand a redo.