Thursday, January 26, 2012

PC: Day 15


Shocking, I know, but these Lego sets aren't for me.
Fortunately my youngest brother is much too busy being 8 years old to bother with reading my blog, or else this post would take away any surprise on his upcoming birthday.

Thank goodness for little boys and their uncomplicated taste in gifts. Makes shopping so much easier.

But just to keep him guessing, I sent my mom this picture from my phone while I was at the store tonight. I told her to tell Spencer that this is what I got him. 

His reply: "Seriously? That's just mean!" 

1 comment:

  1. Legos and Star Wars. Hint- Don't ask that little boy what he'd like on the (possible) blanket you'd like to make for him... unless you're mentally prepared to do some hideous character from Star Wars.
    And I like the doll pic! teehee!


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