Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Weekend

Hooray, hooray the weekend is here again! Tonight my cousin Jami comes into town and I'm excited to spend the next couple of days catching up, shopping, and hitting up the local chocolate factory with her. Do you have anything exciting going on?

+ Nerdy 90s kid flashback of the week: If Pokemon were drawn by Tim Burton

+ Loving all things bamboo for the kitchen. How about a brightly colored tray for your kitchen table?

+ Beautiful wool and leather scarves on Etsy. Inspiration for learning to sew...

+ Tweets from an Honest Toddler. So so hilarious. (Thanks for the #FF tip, Amy!)

+ A new song from A Fine Frenzy (currently free on iTunes this week only!)

+ A sharp and witty short story: The Big Nap. This ain't your grandma's playground.

Ok, you crazy kids. Go out and play and I'll see you next week, alright?

1 comment:

  1. :) tranquil, mon chou. You will revel in the sunshine and warmth in December while we will be muttering under our breaths, chipping our cars out of the ice and snow every morning.


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