Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things I Love This Week

Ok, technically it's Sunday so these are the things I loved last week. Oh well, details!

> Camping and all the related bits: 
  • the campfire
  • making smores 
  • the way time passes completely unacknowledged
  • walking around barefoot in the grass and pine needles
  • being able to finish a really good book
  • sitting around like slugs in shorts in those folding camp chairs, gabbing away about Civil War prison camps. Ok, so this one is probably just me
  • being completely "detached" from the modern world: no computer, no phone, no problems. If you can't reach me by smoke signal, then it's not important. 
>Bar soap from The Body Shop. It smells amazing and it's made out of natural oils and jazz so you're not washing yourself with any strange chemicals. I'm not normally someone who cares, but I've been weird about it ever since I found out that formaldehyde is a popular ingredient in cheap hair and body products. Yeah, formaldehyde, the stuff that pig you dissected in high school biology class was soaked in. Gross.

>Graduation cake. Please stop inviting me to your graduation parties. I've been to 3 in the last 2 weeks alone. The cake is too delicious, I can't resist it!
>Expanding my herb garden with cuttings of peppermint. Summer, prepare yourself for icy pitchers of lemon mint water...
>Missing my cousin's piano recital but getting to see it later on UStream. Technology is awesome. And coincidentally, so was your playing, Lindsay!
>Finally getting around to framing some of my own photography

Around the Internet:
>Rock Scissor Paper. Completely unnecessary but really adorable things like elephant stationary, notebooks, coasters, and coffee mugs with owls on them.
> The Swiss Bakery Online. They have real store locations in Virginia but I weep with happiness that while I'm in Indiana, I can get all my favorite Swiss food goods sent to me at a flat $6 fee. Yes, Cailler chocolate, raclette cheese, and Laugen rolls can all be mine within a few days time. Huzzah!
> French Connection's "You are man? You are woman?" ad campaign. The ad spots are random and hilarious. Shift + click to check them out: Le Cinema
>Paper banners from Banter Banner. So cute.

>This is a couple of weeks late but, Twitter user @Stefmara posted this picture of the Endeavor shuttle launch from her window seat as the plane flew by. So cool.
Hope there is plenty to love about your week!

1 comment:

  1. That last pic is what got me- so cool! Thanks for posting it!


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