Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank You

A post inspired by Thx Thx Thx, a blogger who writes thank you notes to everything.


Dear Volvo,
Thank you for passing the buck in 2003 when you installed climate control in the 'S' series sedan. Because I am aware that it takes at least 15 minutes in the summer to reach a temperature viable for human life, you force me to enjoy the pleasure of driving with the windows open. Without your foresight, I would scarce be likely to know what local bug culture tastes like from the months of May-September.


P.S. Bless your cold Swedish hearts for remembering to put in a sunroof.

Dear Ice Cream Man,
Thank you for being willing to drive in an open air truck selling overpriced ice cream in this heat. Your tinny music reminds me of a very happy childhood and wiping my sticky fingers on the inside of my socks after a particularly melty Screwball. The gum at the bottom was never very good but boy, was it ever like finding gold!



Dear LG Technology,

Thank you for making a durable phone with an easily removable battery.  It is the perfect "toy that is not a toy" for handsy babies.  Not only do I not have to worry about the little scamp making accidental calls to Taiwan, the tough plastic coating withstands being chewed and drooled upon. Gnaw away, little buddy. I am one happy babysitter.

All the best,


Dear Guy Who Invented the Modern Bicycle,
I would be more personal if I weren't too tired to search out your real name on Wikipedia. Notwithstanding, I'm a huge fan of your work. What a pleasing and environmentally friendly mode of transportation.





  1. Dear Ellie,
    Thank you for sending a breath of fresh air with your blog. I sure beats smog.
    Your fan,

  2. Dear Ellie,
    I missed a t in my thank you note. That made me think it would be nice to sit down with you over a cuppa and shoot the breeze. But that might be counterproductive in a fan club.
    Hoping to see you soon in a more conventional setting (with iced t?).
    Your fan,


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