Thursday, August 30, 2012

23 candles

Dear Eva,

(remember this?)

Yesterday you blew out 23 candles on your cake. It seems like only last week we were in our matching pink goggles, making up dance routines in the kiddie pool in the backyard...

Twenty-two was a banner got engaged, finished college, moved to Texas, and got married, all in the same year. I'm so proud of you and so happy that you're happy. You know if I had the time and money, I'd fly down to San Antonio in a heartbeat.

Speaking of money, here are all the things I pretend bought for you online last night.

 + A pretty serving bowl from Anthropologie

+ A Madewell silk shirtdress that's ready for the classroom

+ A cool lavender leather tote bag

+ A funky art print for your living room wall

+ A fun striped scarf from Terrain the meantime you'll have to settle for this blog post and a gift far less impressive than these.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Love you. I wish you a year full of joy!

(1) Anthropologie serving bowl (2) Madewell dress (3) Leather tote (4) Jennifer Moreman Art Print (5) Terrain scarf


  1. WOW, thank you!! I LOOVE my new dress. The scarf goes with it nicely. and the serving bowl... -gasp-

    in all seriousness, I am glad you'll be picking us up from the airport.. 2 weeks from tonight, yipeeee!

  2. I LOVE the birthday post for your sister....I'm thinking this is a great idea and I may have to use it in the future!!! ;) Aren't sisters just the best?! :)


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