Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 48 - Looking for Color

Today I went for a walk on a day that was cold, windy, and overcast. The kind of day that enhances dead leaves and empty trees and a general feeling of melancholy. A day that looks like this:

A day like today needs color and that's exactly what I set out to find. So here it is:

A lone sunflower in a field, despite it being way past sunflower season

The red Swiss flag, flapping cheerily in the breeze

And all the wildflowers I could find, in a bunch.

Day made. :)

If everything looks grey, you just haven't looked hard enough. Go find the color.

Have a fantastic fall day! 


  1. Thank you, my dear, for the reassurance that you are finding sunshine even on gray days! We were so happy to have you at the party via Skype!!!

    "It really IS a small world," she marveled.

    Love you to the moon and back.

  2. hi cuz! loving reading about your adventures overseas! very glad to hear you are not perpetuating any of those nasty stereotypes :)
    <3 bri


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