Thursday, April 22, 2010

Things I Love Thursday

Good evening beautiful people! Happy Earth Day! Green it and mean it!

Let's cut to the chase, you know the drill.

(1) Presenting my thesis - Last time I will talk about my thesis, I solemnly promise on the graves of Liberty and Justice Frog, my favorite two of the many goldfish that eventually ended up in our septic tank. More than anything, this was my favorite part of the whole process. The paper is finished, defended, and graded. The final piece was presenting it to the History Department. There was less pressure because there was no grade and no expectations.  History professors, my parents, and friends came and I basically got to talk uninterrupted for fifteen minutes about my project. The questions and comments I received afterward were so satisfying because it meant people were really interested in my work.  It is so exciting to me that something I care about so deeply actually translates to other people.  I feel like I'm on to something big and I can't wait to see where it takes me.

(2) This video.
This is why alcohol is unproductive for our society.

(3) Helpful charts that answer questions you didn't know you had. Is your beard trustworthy?
(Ctrl + Click, to open a new window and click again to make it bigger)

(4) Russian nesting dolls.
It's weird and reeks of 50 year old cat lady, but I'm obsessed with these painted wooden figures. Mostly because they are so fun to photograph.
(5) Get-togethers with friends  - Last weekend = epic. Spent the whole weekend with 25 of my nearest and dearest.  Good fellowship and good food. Nothing like time with friends to relieve stress.  Even though I was Master and Commander of the kitchen, which had the potential to be a disaster.  Fortunately, I had some fail-safe recipes and the excellent help of my dear sister.  We won't win any awards for our cooking but no one complained or died of food poisoning. I'm going to chalk that up as a win.

(6) Chocolate chip banana pancakes - so good. Eva, remind me to high-five you for that genius idea the next time I see you.

(7) Baudev!lle - This is random and probably does not apply to anyone who reads this but I have to talk about because I was so impressed.  We recently got this company approved as a vendor for employee recognition and gifts.  What sold me was the quality of their products, their excellent prices, and the incredibly fast shipping.  For example, on Tuesday afternoon, I ordered 25 green mugs (pictured below, with the other thing I ordered), regular ground shipping, for our leadership reception and they were here by Wednesday morning
  I couldn't believe it. Meanwhile, last month I ordered kitchenware from Anthropologie and it took SIX WEEKS to get here.  Absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, you can order single items from this website too, so you don't necessarily have to be buying in bulk to get a good price or fast shipping. So that's my sales pitch for the day. Even though I'm not being paid by Baudev!lle to advertise. But hey Baudev!lle, I'm totally open to being sponsored.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my other blog. I haven't been graded yet, so I don't know if Professor Browning has seen it.

I love you! and you! and you!


  1. Yo. There were 3 fish: Liberty. Justice. Frog. I named 'em. Get it right, sista. ;)
    ...can't wait for the post about may 25th. :D

  2. Ok- glad the thesis is history- Yay for You!
    I named my fish after the Greek alphabet... did I already say that? (And uh- do you stand on the septic tank and put your hands on the grass or just how do you solemnly promise on the graves of fish that got flushed...
    inquiring minds...
    (ps- I like watching drunks be dumb as long as they don't pester me... but it's also sad...)

  3. I agree with you on the russian painted ladies...but they don't reek of cat lady. Just ultimate trustworthiness! That's like the gauge for women and trustworthiness. Also I think the "painted lady" should be a cafe somewhere. And who knows, maybe it is?!

  4. I agree with you on the russian painted ladies...but they don't reek of cat lady. Just ultimate trustworthiness! That's like the gauge for women and trustworthiness. Also I think the "painted lady" should be a cafe somewhere. And who knows, maybe it is?!


I love to hear what you're thinking! Thanks for the comment love. :)


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