File this one under: Pinterest Fail. sort of.
You guys, it would be so easy to just never share this project but this is just a reminder that sometimes, despite our best efforts, things just don't go the way they are supposed to. Plus, I don't want to be THAT blog, you know the one that only shares beautiful pictures of cakes and custom built shelves and never lets you see when things go sideways.
If we can get real for a second, life feels sideways sometimes.
But you just have to make do with what happens, you know?
With that said, here is the tale of the time I tried to dip dye some tshirts.
I found the tutorial over on Wit & Whistle and nothing against that blog (which is beautiful and a great source for DIYs and inspiration!) but this particular guide just did not work for me.
I mean, I thought I followed the instructions to the letter.
I carefully mixed hot water, salt, and a packet of deep blue RIT dye.
Then I patiently dipped the shirt by degrees to achieve the ombré effect.
I tried exceptionally hard to not get any dye on the top of the shirt because I wanted that crisp white to deepen into blue without any wayward spots.
After letting it dry in the laundry room (which is where the top photo came from), I rinsed out the dye using warm water in the sink. Again, I was super careful not to let any dye run into the top of the shirt.
Then I washed it with a small amount of detergent, just like the instructions said.
The beautiful deep blue dissolved into a boring periwinkle that bled into the rest of the shirt.
Color me sad, y'all.
Here my sister is modeling it for you:

The ombré effect is still there but it's pretty subtle. And have you met me? I don't do subtle.
Ok sometimes I do subtle.
Just not with ombré.
Originally I was planning on using these shirts as another Creative Pay it Forward giveaway but because I wasn't super happy with the result, I let my mom and sister have them as sleep shirts.
I still have a box of bright fuchsia dye and if I find a different tutorial, I'll try again.
Maybe with like an old tablecloth or something.
Because that's what you're supposed to do in life when things don't go as planned: try again.
With an old tablecloth.
Have you ever tried dip dye? Any tried and true techniques I should be aware of?