Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 1 - In Transit

I've decided to try and post something small multiple times a week (in addition to my larger posts), whether it be a picture or just a small paragraph in an attempt to let you have a little picture of life abroad.   So here we are. 

And so the adventure begins.

Day 1 of my life as a 20 something vagabond. I've packed my bags, said goodbye to my family, and am in the airport waiting for my flight to Detroit.  I'll be in and out of the air for the next 20 hours or so.  Switzerland, here I come!


  1. wait. how did you do this? xoxoxoxo You'll be on my mind and in my heart for the next 365 days!!!

  2. Happy Trails! Happy airport hopping and security checkpoints and all that! And all the best in Switzerland!

  3. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH youre so cool i miss you steph and i read your blogs..... cause we re creepsters.

  4. can't wait to hear from you!!! hope everything goes smoothy and those cute rainboots treat you well ;) I already can't wait until may.

  5. i'm so excited for you ellie! i know you'll do great and just think- you have all of us here in the states praying for you. have fun! meet some italian count or something and run off and get married. there's one stipulation however, i must be invited to the wedding!


I love to hear what you're thinking! Thanks for the comment love. :)


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