Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Oh June. I found myself in yet another transition period. For reasons I'll not share on the Internet, I parted ways with the company mentioned in my last post. Though it was not a good situation, I was naturally quite down about having to start all over again. AGAIN. Good things happened in June, but I was in a funk for most of this month. I'm telling you all this because this post is probably the most boring Day in the Life yet. Just so you have some context.
// 8:30 am
Good morning, glasses. Good morning, ugly ripped window shade that is always stuck in the down position.
// 9:00 am
We had company over and so breakfast was a delicious treat. Dutch Baby Pancake with maple syrup and strawberries. Not the healthiest way to start a Wednesday but soooo. gooood.
// 9:30 am
Lego building time with my new friend Jackson before he had to head back home. Thanks for stopping by!
// 12:30 pm
I don't remember what I had for lunch, but I followed it up with a piece of s'mores pie leftover from the previous night's dinner party. It was tasty to the max and I regret none of it.