Friday, July 2, 2010

Au Revoir! Arrivederci! Auf Wiedersehen!


Today I'm headed to Europe for what promises to be a lovely, whirlwind vacation. One week in the UK to see my dear cousin Lindsey get married to a lovely English chap named Norman, then a one week whistle-stop tour of Amsterdam, Heidelberg, Lucerne, and Paris!  This trip is huge for a number of reasons. First, I've never been to Europe! Second, it will be the last time my whole family will be together for many months. Third, in Lucerne, I will be meeting for the first time a certain family that will be seeing a lot of me in the coming months.

Alright, I'm not one to be vague. I'm bursting to tell you. Want to know what I'm doing after graduation? Here it is: 

Ladies and Gents, I'm taking a year off to colonize the moon! 

Ok, not really.  I'm actually moving to Switzerland, but I felt like that moment needed something bigger than what I could give it. 

Writing it here on my blog is a little anticlimactic, as 95% of my readers are already aware of this situation. But for the two or three of you that don't know, well, there you have it.  This is a huge, life-altering step.  My mind reels when I think about it, and yet, hundreds have done it before. I know I'm not a pioneer by any means, but the significance of the situation is not lost on me. I can hardly wait to meet the family.  I can hardly wait to jump into this brand new experience!

Of course there is much more to be said on that point, but I am hours away from getting on a plane.  I may not be able to post anything while I'm away but I promise promise there will be loads of pictures and stories when I get back.

I must be off! I love you all. As I board the plane, I will turn dramatically at the top step and flutter my handkerchief at my imaginary crowd. Goodbye! Goodbye!


  1. i'm glad you're going to be livin it up in die schweitz. not because we'll be a lot closer having both moved to europe, but because it prompted you do make that delightful astronaut ellie photo composite.

  2. can't believe you've never been to europe. can't believe i didn't know that.

    one small step for europe, one giant step for ellie

  3. hello distant cousin! i found your blog through jami's and love your writing - you definitely have a gift! good luck in sweden! that sounds amazing!!


  4. Wow! Ellie, thats really r

  5. Yeah- I like that astronaut pic, too! And the part about colonizing the moon- good luck with that. ;)

    So, when can we expect you back in Europe? And (cough cough) will you come east? heh heh


I love to hear what you're thinking! Thanks for the comment love. :)


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