Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Creative Pay It Forward

Feeling creative?  There's a little challenge that's currently floating around Facebook. Maybe you've seen it, it's called the 2013 Creative Pay it Forward. Here are the details:

The first five people to comment on this post will receive a gift from me this calendar year! It will be unexpected and whenever the mood strikes me! Expect something fun and unique! If you comment, you must pay it forward and offer the same on your Facebook status! :)
Well clearly this isn't Facebook but I wanted to extend this to my fellow bloggers & readers, some of whom are better people than I and currently not on Facebook. Instead of choosing the first five, I'm going to pick five commenters at random and send them a little something. What's better than receiving something in the mail?

So my dear ones (even those of you halfway across the world!), all you have to do is leave a comment telling me one random thing about yourself and you're entered. If there are more than five of you, I will put names in a hat and post the winners on Tuesday morning. If there are less than five of you, I will cry just a little bit but then buck up and move on with my life.

Happy commenting!

P.S. If you do happen to have a Facebook account, feel free to like Hither and Yon to stay connected.

Update: Apparently this is the original post: click here. If you choose to continue this on your own blog, link back to this page!


  1. Something random... I usually give the "I sneeze once when I eat chocolate" story, but you know that one already. You also already know I have a freckle on my big left toe. But did you know Amanda Egger is the only other person I've ever met who also has a freckle on her toe? ANYWAY, back to me, something random that you do not know (yet) is that I always put my wedding ring on based off of Bradly's name on the inside. When I pick up my ring, I look for that first, make sure it's facing the right way, and then put it on, instead of looking at the design on the outside. Don't know why, just a habit now!

    1. Yes, I did know the chocolate thing. I also knew the thing about you and Amanda's freckle toes. But you're right, I did not know that about your ring. Makes sense though, when you look at the outside you can't tell which way is up.


    1. thanks anon, I've edited it accordingly :)

  3. Random fact: I have a freckle on the back of my eyeball and you can only see it when the optometrist takes those annoying pictures of your eye. Also, I've started reading your blog ever since you posted the links on twitter, and I thoroughly enjoy it :)

    1. wow I didn't know you could get freckles on your eyeballs! that's crazy. Thanks for the compliment, may I say I quite enjoy following you on Twitter :)

  4. random fact: I have never been west of Wisconsin.

    1. and I have never been west of Colorado! Roadtrip to California? ;)

  5. I don't want you to cry, so I am going to comment, but if enough other people comment then you can randomly leave me out of the drawing! :) Random fact: my first time substitute teaching in a highschool classroom, I realized that it was my first time ever spending any time in a highschool classroom. It was kind of bizarre and definitely a foreign environment to me.

    1. well thank you, but I would never leave you out! :) That would be a very unusual experience, I've never thought about that. I'm sure it was a little overwhelming.

  6. Wow, like Courtney, I too have a freckle in my eye.

    I also have run more races in costumes than not costumed.

    1. two of you? that's crazy! haha well I guess if you're going to run a race, do it in style! I hope at least the costumes were comfortable...


I love to hear what you're thinking! Thanks for the comment love. :)


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