Monday, July 23, 2012

My Heart is In July

Ok get ready for a million really subpar awesome cell phone snapshots. It's been awhile but here is basically my favorite things from the month of July (aside from the obvious, my sister's wedding, but a whole post on that later)

My lemon tree is growing so nicely!

 One Sunday my brother and I were left to our own devices so naturally, we went out for the ultimate indulgence: ice cream sundaes at DeBrand (only the BEST chocolatier in the United States. It's not my beloved Cailler but it will certainly do!) 30000 calories later, je ne regrette rien.

There are two pictures posted in my office for inspiration:
1) A picture of the beach in Prince Edward Island, Canada from the last time I was there (2002, quel horreur) as motivation to one day go back. It's the land of my people. (in a white-bread-Scottish-settlement-tired-of-Catholic-oppression kind of way)
2) A scene of an epic robot space battle, drawn by my youngest brother, as motivation to not take life too seriously because we may all unwittingly die in the midst of intergalactic robot warfare one day. Just keeping it real.

Oh I just love long drives in the summer. Which is good, since I have an 80-mile commute now.
Plus that one cloud kind of looked like Pac Man at the time. Not that you can see it at all in the picture.

Rediscovering a favorite author.  I think perhaps Bill Peet is one of my favorite childhood authors. If you or your children have never read his stories, I highly suggest you get your hands on a copy. I just love his illustrations.

A spontaneous trip down to my alma mater for the weekend. Even though it's only been a little over two years since I left, it was marvelous to roam campus and bask in the memories. Also spending some one on one time with my dear friend Lauren. Loved it all to bits.

A pair of silver-capped black flats that I have been wearing to work pretty much on the daily because they meet right at that difficult intersection of practical, cute, and comfortable.

Watching fireworks downtown with my family last Saturday night.  Perfect weather, perfect setting, perfect show. Sometimes I think fireworks are my favorite thing in the whole world. They actually take my breath away. (In a nice way, not in a help-I'm-choking way)

My first successful Craigslist find! (for my non-American friends, Craigslist is sort of like a giant rummage sale on the internet. It's mostly junk, but you can find some real treasures on there.) I snagged an old wooden dresser with a mirror (I already took the mirror off prior to the picture) for only $60. All it needs is a quick refinish and voila, it will look awesome in my new room.

Teaching my brethren the art of bread-making. Specifically, how to make Tresse au Beurre. They did wonderfully. (Ladies, you know you're impressed.) Even though Sam was totally grossed out by the feeling of wet gooey bread dough. And Spencer was doing weird things with his shirt.

And finally, a song I have been listening to over and over lately because it's perfect that's why.

Happy almost not quite the end of July, everyone

1 comment:

  1. -actually, I see Pac-Man.
    -I always enjoy a good ramble around Purdue when I'm in the area. Lots of good memories from that place... a few terrifying ones, not being ready for an exam or 3 or 10... ;)


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